Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sex mythbuster: Touching a woman’s breasts won’t make them bigger

Sex mythbuster: Touching a woman's breasts won't make them bigger

Q: Hi, I am a 24 year old man. I wanted to ask if pressing or sucking on a girl's breasts will make it grow bigger.  My girlfriend is really worried about it and won't let me touch her breasts.

This is one of the most common sex-related myths that people seem to have. While many women find squeezing and pressing boobs arousing, there's absolutely no data to suggest that they can grow bigger with pressing or squeezing.  Normally, when a woman is aroused, there is some blood flow to her breasts which makes them marginally bigger temporarily. This makes it a wonderful erogenous zone that most heterosexual males enjoy fondling.

The breasts can also increase in size if a woman puts on weight, or is pregnant or lactating. Exercising can also improve body posture and make the breasts appear more attractive, but it cannot increase its size. No ointment, oil or cream that claims to do it is legitimate. You should avoid buying any such products. The only way it to actually increase the size is to get breast implants.  

So you can rest assured that pressing or fondling will not increase her breast size. If it was that easy, there would really be no need for an expensive procedure like breast implants. (Read: )

And we should add that if your girlfriend is not comfortable with breast play you should avoid it. A woman has various erogenous zones throughout her body. Maybe for your girlfriend, her breasts aren't one of them. (Read: )

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