Saturday, November 2, 2013

How can I extend my sex time and last longer in bed?

How can I extend my sex time and last longer in bed?

Q: I cannot last for more than a little while in bed. I ejaculate in 2-3 minutes and my wife is not fully satisfied and this is causing tension between us. I am very depressed about this. Please give me some tips to last longer. Ans: One of the biggest misconceptions people have about sex is that it has to go on for an hour as shown in porn movies. These films are fabricated and are often performed in several cuts. Don't be depressed as you are not the only one facing this problem, most men believe that they should last longer. And fortunately, there are ways with which you can last longer in bed. Proper preparation will lead to greater performance.

You can start by exercising your groin, arms and abdominal muscles. Not only will they provide you with more energy while having sex, they will also improve blood flow in your body which is good for your cardiovascular health. Also even cutting down on the flab can help you last longer. Many-a-time premature ejaculation is caused due to erectile dysfunction, basically your body's compensating for less sex time by ejaculating quickly.

You can also try out these techniques to beat premature ejaculation. (Read: ) 

Consuming alcohol and cigarettes could play spoilsport in a steamy night of passion. These products lead to fatigue and even affect your sex hormone levels causing poorer erections.

You can also try doing Kegel exercises which are meant to give you better erections. Kegels exercises are meant for exercising the muscles of your pelvic region, and can help you gain better control of your bladder as well as improve your sex life. An example of a kegels exercise will be – 'Imagine you are urinating and then try to stop the flow. Repeat this – squeeze, hold, release cycle 10 times, trying to hold for 10 seconds per squeeze.' (Read: )

Lastly, focus more on foreplay and don't directly dive in vaginal intercourse. A woman has several erogenous zones over her body. Indulging in some kissing and fingering can give her an orgasm that she deserves. (Read: )

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Resistance bands and tubes are they better than weights?

Resistance bands and tubes – are they better than weights?

Earlier used as fitness equipment, resistance bands and tubes are nowadays commonly used by physiotherapists for rehabilitation as well. In some ways they are similar because both of them provide some form of resistance, allow a free range of motion and allow a variable speed of movement. But are they better than weights? Here's what the experts had to say:

Benefits over weights

'There are numerous benefits over weights. They're inexpensive, require virtually no maintenance and one band alone can be used for numerous movements. They can be carried anywhere and one band can be used for many different movements. Also unlike weights, the user is able to control the amount of force being applied very easily by their foot position, body position and movement. Simply repositioning your body while performing the given exercise will add more or less load/stress or assistance,' Hill adds. (Read: )

Versatile and easy to carry around

According to celebrity trainer, , 'Resistance bands and tubes are great because they are versatile and allow you to target muscles you have trouble training with weights and offer great variety. Also thanks to their light weight, they can be taken anywhere.'

Great for rehab

Ace bodybuilder Neil 'Yoda' Hill says that bands and tubes can be used for multiple exercises. He adds, 'They are very effective for injury/rehab phases as the user is able to create a positive load in a given area and also control the pressure/load being applied. Since they are rubberised and flexible, they can be used to perform multiple movements or exercises.'

Help increase co-ordination:

Unlike dumbbells which offer resistance when going against gravity, resistance bands or tubes offer resistance throughout the movement. This makes you stabilize your body better leading to better co-ordination, involving more muscle groups.

Tips to buy and use resistance bands or tubes:

You can buy them at shops having sports and fitness equipment or at many online stores. Buy them in two to three different colours (offering different levels of resistance) so that you can use different ones for various body exercises for targeting different muscle groups.Resistance tubes come with handles which may be slightly uncomfortable. Choose ones with padded handles if  you find them.For certain moves, you might need to attach them to a wall, pole or door with an attachment. Ask the store if they have any.When your body gets used to one level of bands, move on to the next level.Sometimes, if you're not tall enough, the resistance tubes may seem inadequate to offer resistance. In these cases, just make a loop with them on the floor and keep your foot/feet on it. You can adjust the size of the loop based on how much resistance you require.


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