Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fat to fit: Mega guide for losing weight the right way

Fat to fit: Mega guide for losing weight the right way

October 26 is World Obesity Day.

Today, lifestyle diseases are on the rise due to sedentary behaviour and obesity is without a doubt a global pandemic. It is a condition when a person weighs too much more than the standard weight according to his age and height. Usually, a person with a Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than 30 falls under the obese category. Obesity is not just restricted to developed nations. Though the cases of malnutrition maybe more in rural India, there is an alarming number of obesity cases in urban India with children too joining the ranks of being obese.

This problem needs to be addressed at the earliest as obesity can lead to a plethora of other serious conditions including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer. Obesity is on a rise globally and here are some facts that prove it.

According to a survey conducted by Fitho – an online weight loss diet plan service company – almost half (46%) of urban Indians are obese with the risk age ranging between 28-38 years.Globally, an estimated 10% of schoolchildren, between 5 and 17 years of age, are overweight or obese.Studies show that in India, nearly 15 to 20% of children are overweight and 30% are in the risk of falling in this category.Research shows that obesity kills around 2.8 million people every year.

The rise of obesity

Reasons for obesity

The prime reason is eating unhealthy foods which add more calories and provide less or no nutrition at all to our bodies. A regular intake of such foods plays havoc with our system depositing excess fat which adds weight and pushes us towards being obese. 

Another factor is the lack of physical activity. Due to changes in lifestyle, people are plonked in front of their TVs or laptops for hours on end without getting any exercise which leads to weight gain and other health problems. Over time, this combined with unhealthy eating leads to obesity.

What obesity does to your body

Being obese leads to various serious ailments which make it more difficult to go about one's daily tasks. Some of these are:

Tips to lose weight

In order to beat obesity, one needs to follow a balanced diet and make lifestyle changes. What you eat plays a major role in controlling your weight and also providing nutrition to your body. Also, engaging in physical activity is important to keep oneself fit. Here's help:

Weight loss diet by expert dietician5 diseases you can prevent with weight lossFad is bad: Say no to diets which promise speedy weight loss6 diet tips to lose belly fatWeight gain due to long working hours. What should I do?Revealed- 10 secrets of people who lose weight easilyTasty recipes for weight lossWhat is the right way to lose weight?Tips to lose weight before your weddingLook younger and lose weight naturallyAlmond s- How they can help you lose weight


Fun ways to exercise and lose weightLose belly fat with exercises by Hrithik's trainer Kris GethinCan weight training help you lose weight?Walking for weight lossGet fit at your workplace with these expert recommended exercises and tipsDance away the weight with ZumbaWhy is high intensity interval training better (HIIT) for weight loss?4 sexy and unusual ways to lose weight

Also along with diet and exercise, for people whose obesity has become morbid, they can opt for procedures like bariatric (weight loss surgery), though we should assure that all the quick-fix weight loss products you see ads for every day are mostly shams. 

Bariatric surgery: Does it help you lose weight? (Expert Speak)Bariatric surgery: Nothing cosmetic about itOpting for a weight loss surgery? Check these guidelines!Do weight loss pills actually work?

Childhood obesity

Children too aren't spared these days and many are tuning obese right from a young age. The confines of the city which do not have enough open spaces for them to indulge in recreational activities leaves them no option but to be at home and play on the mobile or laptop. But it can cause serious harm to their health:

Get inspired

While everything may seem bleak when you are obese, there is no need to lose hope. Look around and take inspiration. Here are some stories:

Five easy tips to lose weight by an ex-obese!

Five easy tips to lose weight by an ex-obese!

I have been obese for the better part of the last two decades. Fatness was a part of my personality, it defined who I was. It didn't matter how smart, intelligent or funny I was, being fat overshadowed all those qualities. Then things got worse when I took a tumble down a hole, alas instead of Alice's Wonderland, I received a butterfly fracture in my right ankle which left me bed-ridden for six months and with a souvenir metal plate to support my ankle.

 The doctors told me that it was the fracture was exacerbated by my excess weight but even that didn't change my view on obesity. My general sense of rebellion allowed me to view my girth as sign of well-being and felt the world in general had no say it. It didn't occur to me that being fat was making me prone to heart diseases, high cholesterol and diabetes.

But then fate played a card and my father (an equally obstinate man), forced me to join a gym. I hated it in the beginning but after a few sessions, it started to feel really good. I was dropping kilos like hot bricks! In nine months, I lost almost 40 kg and that's when I decided to become a health and fitness journalist because losing weight is extremely simple and I felt the need to share that with the world. So here are five simple tips that will help you lose weight:

Tip 1: Accept your problem

It's not just about looking good, obesity will kill you. It will give you heart disease, type 2 diabetes or joint problems. If you're a guy, the excess cholesterol build-up will give you erectile dysfunction and is also likely to increase infertility in both sexes. That's not how we were meant to live our lives. So stop listening to what others say about obesity and accept you've a problem. And obesity is not a sign of prosperity; it just means you are a glutton.

Tip 2: Stop believing in fad diets

I lost 40 kg in 9 months and I did it without any crash dieting. I didn't take weight loss pills, nor did I follow a fad diet. All I did was exercise and eat healthy. There are thousands of crash diets out there which will help you lose say 5-10 kg in a week but then the weight will come back when you stop following that diet.  I've seen scores of people who lose a lot of weight but then gain it all back once they stop dieting. (Read: )

Tip 3: Up the ante gradually

I was extremely lucky to have a trainer who knew that you can't push fat people too much or you'll end up disheartening them. When I went to the gym, my trainer Anil Bailu (a former Mr Maharashtra) started me off slow, not making me do more exercise than my body could handle. Every week, I would do weight training thrice a week and cardio for six days. In the beginning, that would only consist of 15-20 minutes sessions of mild walking, because he knew that my obese body couldn't take more. Gradually, as I lost weight, he upped the ante, increased the cardio time and I started lifting heavier weights as well. So don't overdo it and have patience, the results will come.

Tip 4: Weight loss products don't work

If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Simply put, all weight loss products are shams. Most weight loss pills are caffeine-loaded pills which just allow you to exercise longer. Some of them make you really edgy and angry as well. And some of them like DNP are downright dangerous and can be fatal. (Read: ) 

The sauna belts and meal replacement shakes too are useless, they just do not work. They are just shams to scam vulnerable people, like penis enlargement pills. The only way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet and exercise. There are no two ways about it.

Tip 5: Believe

The most important thing I can tell you is believe in yourself. You are obese because you've eating unhealthy for years. In the same way, you can lose weight by making the right choices. There might be some genetic predisposition that still doesn't inhibit your ability to control your own actions.

If I could do it with a metal plate in my leg so can you. So stop complaining, get off your butt and just eat right (you will get plenty of ideas on our healthy recipes section) and exercise. It's that simple. (Read: )

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Beat hair problems with these home-made egg hair packs

Beat hair problems with these home-made egg hair packs

Don't just use eggs to make omelettes for breakfast. They can very well come in handy as a beauty product for your hair. Rich in protein, vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, these can repair various hair problems and give you silky and shiny locks.

The various components in eggs can combat problems like dry and brittle hair, hair loss, dry, flaky scalp, dandruff and also condition your hair. The essential fatty acids provide nourishment to the hair follicles. The xanthophylls or the antioxidants, which bring about the rich yellow colour, increase the oxygen supply in the scalp and help mend rough and easily breakable hair. The cholesterol helps in penetration and absorption of these vital components thus increasing the efficacy. 

Here are some home-made hair packs using eggs you can try:

To initiate hair growth

Take the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil. Beat to give a paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair. Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo. (Read: )

For silky hair

Take one cup of yoghurt you can change the quantity according to the length of your tresses) and add an egg yolk to it. Mix it well and apply to on your hair. Keep it for at least 20 minutes and then wash it with cold water which will help get rid of the smell.  

For well-conditioned hair

Pour egg yolk in a bowl and add one tablespoon of olive oil. Whisk this mixture until it is completely blended. Now, add lukewarm water to dilute this mixture. After hair wash, apply this conditioner against the length of the hair and on the bottom. Leave it on for some time and the wash it off. (Read: )

To repair damaged hair

Take one egg yolk in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of yogurt and half a teaspoon of coconut oil or almond oil. Mix this well and apply it on your hair. Let this stay for two hours and then wash it off.

Make sure you wash off these hair packs with lukewarm water. This is because eggs contain proteins which will coagulate on application of heat. Hence hot water will make it difficult to remove it from your locks.

If home-made packs are not your thing and take up too much of your time, you can opt for ready-to-use products in the market. Some brands which offer egg based products are:

Dabur Vatika egg protein shampooSunsilk Dream Soft & Smooth shampooEyova natural egg yolk oil

Disclaimer:  doesn't endorse any of the products mentioned and will take no responsibility for their efficacy. 

With inputs from Vidya Kinare

Cervical spondylosis: Expert tips to deal with pain in the neck

Cervical spondylosis: Expert tips to deal with pain in the neck

Spending hours bent over a computer or laptop or carrying heavy handbags can often have us reaching for the back of our neck, massaging it for some form of pain relief. But when does this bearable pain go from an irritant to being an indicator of a serious condition? Well, we have the answers for you. Dr, senior consultant, Orthopaedics at Apollo Hospital tells us about cervical spondylosis and how one can prevent and treat the condition.

What is cervical spondylosis? 

Cervical spondylosis is another name for osteoarthritis in the joints of the vertebrae in the neck. This means that it is a degenerative disease where bony surfaces, in this case in the cervical vertebrae, have lost their cartilage lining. If there is inflammation of the joint associated with this degeneration, one would use the term, spondylitis to describe it.

In spondylosis, apart from the changes described in the bony vertebrae, one will similarly encounter corresponding changes in the cushion like structures—the discs–that lie between successive vertebrae. Just as a degenerated joint alone will produce some symptoms of its own, a degenerated will be responsible for some, possibly different, complaints too.

The word, cervical, pronounced, serve-i-cull, comes from Latin, and is the adjective derived from the noun, cervix, meaning neck. It takes its root from the Latin word for horn. Ergo, cervical, by itself, is not the name of any disease. Anything related to the neck can be called cervical, as in, a cervical collar, or cervical lymph glands, or for that matter, a cervical cancer in the uterus (for that part of the uterus is called the cervix), and so on. I often get patients who complain to me of a cervical. The word cervical alone conveys no sense.

Spondulos is the Greek name for a vertebra, and –itis after the name of an organ is used in the language of Medicine to describe inflammation anywhere in the body. The suffix –osis is a more recent addition, and is used to differentiate between a degenerated spinal joint that is inflamed and one that isn't. I don't know of its origin.

Two successive vertebrae in the spinal column are joined together at the vertebral bodies as well at the vertebral arches. Degeneration in the smaller joints between the arches is traditionally called osteoarthritis while the terms, spondylosis and spondylitis are restricted to the description of degeneration in the joints between the bodies.

Who can suffer from it? What predisposes people to this condition?

We will all, at some point, end up losing cartilage from our bones, so it's not wrong to say that spondylotic changes will be seen on x-ray in anyone who is around 50 years of age. Changes are seen earlier and to a greater degree in those whose joints have been subjected to strain more than usual. Strain could be owing to excessive body weight, the spinal column being a weight-bearing structure, poor muscle tone or bad posture, and there is, of course, a genetic predisposition to this disease. Arthritis tends to run in families.

How is it diagnosed? 

An x-ray of the Cervical Spine is usually enough to confirm the diagnosis of spondylosis/spondylitis, if suspected. When the patient presents to him, the doctor will take a detailed history and conduct a thorough clinical examination, and will, once in a while, order more tests like an MRI to look for the effects of the spondylosis in structures that don't show up on x-ray, and to correlate the changes and effects with the patient's symptoms.

Pain in the neck is the commonest symptom in spondylosis, but it would be incorrect to label every patient with neck pain as a spondylotic. By definition, the disease is called spondylosis only when there are degenerative changes seen on x-ray. Very often, doctors, since there is no suitable term available to them to use, will call a neck pain without degeneration, a Cervicalgia, to show off their (otherwise non-existent) knowledge of the classical languages, where the suffix, –algia comes from the Greek word, algos, meaning pain. If a young subject who, say, works on the computer for 8-10 hours a day starts experiencing a persistent pain in the neck, they should take it as a warning sign that spondylosis is on its way and start taking remedial measures.

What are the treatment options for these patients?

Reduction of pain and restoration of function are the main objectives of treatment. To reduce the pain of inflammation anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed for brief spells. These medicines should never be taken without supervision.

Physiotherapy and exercises remains the mainstay of treatment. Physiotherapy is safe and reduces inflammation and pain; exercises keep your joints moving.

An operation can be considered to remove an offending disc, in part, or in whole, if it is compressing a nerve or the spinal cord, and where conservative treatment has not provided relief. The operation is now performed through a small, minimally invasive, incision, and with the use of an operative microscope, so that the structures appear magnified, and so that there is less chance of tissue damage. If a whole disc is removed, the two vertebrae, above and below it, are fused together.

Disc replacement is a relatively new operation where the degenerated and compressed disc is removed, and replaced by an artificial one. The new disc will have more elasticity and, it is claimed, will allow a greater range of movement.

What are the techniques to live with the condition?

Treatments aside, what one needs to really focus on is the changes in the lifestyle one needs to make in order to live a full life with arthritis. .  

How can one prevent/slow the onset of the condition?

The onset of osteoarthritis can be slowed down with

Weight lossExercises specific to the joint is question so that the transmission of weight through it is more balancedIntake of a balanced diet, in terms of the calorific and protein intake, and one which provides anti-oxidants (vitamins and minerals) in sufficient quantity. I recommend fish, fresh fruits and milk/yoghurt to one and all.Ensuring that the joints (in the neck in this case) are not subjected to persistent and repetitive strain and stress, which means that one should take frequent breaks, and perhaps stretch a little, while one is t workThere are some medicines which will make the cartilage lining stronger, and if the treating doctor deems fit, they can be tried, in addition. Such medicines are of no help in advanced disease when there is no cartilage left to strengthen. And hope for the best!

Know your sex position: On the lap

Know your sex position: On the lap

How many different sex positions have you tried? 'One, two or five?' That's like having eaten only five different dishes all your life! No wonder people in relationships claim sex gets boring after a while. To keep things interesting and help spice up your sex life-  is going to try and bring out a list of every sex position known to humankind. Join us as we travel down the path of sexual evolution:

How to do it?

To do this extremely intimate and pleasurable sex position, the man must be sitting on the edge of a bed or a chair. Once, he is comfortable and under the spell of seduction- the woman has to sit on his lap facing him and with her legs on either side of his body. Then, after inserting his penis into her vagina, the woman can take control of the situation and experience deep penetration.


This position, like the anvil, is good for hitting the G-spot. Also, it allows for greater intimacy, as there is eye contact and both partners can kiss and cuddle along with having sex.


If the woman is heavier as compared to the man, this sex position might be a little uncomfortable. 

13 causes of nausea and vomiting you should know about

13 causes of nausea and vomiting you should know about

Nausea is the feeling of sickness in the stomach characterized by an urge to vomit and it may be accompanied by other symptoms such as flushing, excessive salivation, sweating and rapid heartbeat. Vomiting on the other hand is the ejecting of the contents of the stomach via the mouth in response to contractions of the abdominal muscles. Nausea and vomiting help protect the body by preventing the absorption of toxins in the food canal.

Nausea and vomiting are often considered minor and acceptable complications. Acute symptoms generally occur as a side effect of medication, or infection, or inflammation. Most infections go away by themselves and need minimal intervention. Stopping / changing the medication can resolve the issue of medication causing nausea. But chronic nausea and vomiting can often be debilitating and occur in response to a variety of conditions – gastrointestinal problems, central nervous system or neurologic problems, metabolic abnormalities, and endocrinologic cause. 

Cause # 1: Stress, fear and anxiety

Symptoms: Stress, fear, and anxiety can cause the body to function abnormally resulting in a number of stomach and intestinal distresses including nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and even Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Stress and fear cause extra adrenaline to be released in the body causing an imbalance in your digestive system.

What you can do about it: Nausea due to a fearful situation is temporary and you don't have much to do about it as it goes away once the situation is resolved. Try to relax. Stress and anxiety, on the other hand, are more chronic and you need to address the underlying causes of the same to get rid of the symptoms. It is better to get professional help for your stress and anxiety. Your doctor may prescribe some antibiotics to ease nausea and vomiting. 

Cause # 2: Overeating and eating disorders

Why: Overeating causes nausea because your digestive system fails to process the food properly. It is very common in people who have a weak digestive system or those who have had surgery that reduces the functional capacity of the digestive system. 

What you can do about it: Starchy but not greasy food normalizes the rhythm of gastric contractions and helps lower nausea. If overeating is the cause, try aromatherapy with essential oils of lemon, mandarin, (any citrus scent for that matter), lavender, or mint. Try chewing on peppermint to relieve nausea.

Cause # 3: Food poisoning

Symptoms: Food poisoning occurs when the food you eat is infected by bacteria. Examples of such are Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, Listeria, etc. Common symptoms of food poisoning are fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, uneasiness, nausea and vomiting.

What you can do about it: Since food poisoning causes severe dehydration, it is very important that you keep yourself well hydrated with fluids and electrolytes. Avoid fatty foods, dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol. Consult a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may give you antibiotics to control food poisoning. Get plenty of rest.

Cause # 4: Hangover

Symptoms: If you have consumed too much alcohol you may get a hangover and experience a headache along with nausea.

What you can do about it: Simple. Drink within limits. But if you do feel nausea, try washing your stomach by adding to 1 tablespoon of soda per litre of water at room temperature. Drink 1 to 2 litres of that water and induce vomiting.

Cause # 5: Food allergy or food intolerance

Why: Nausea and vomiting can directly be triggered by food, especially in people suffering from food allergy or food intolerances. Sometimes, food is not the primary cause but a change in diet or dietetic manipulations may cause nausea and vomiting.

What you can do about it: This can normally be corrected by proper management of diet and excluding the foods that cause allergy.

Cause # 6: Pregnancy

Why: The most common endocrinologic cause of nausea is pregnancy. Also known as morning sickness, it is very common in early pregnancy. Nausea and, sometimes, vomiting usually begin before most women are 9 weeks pregnant and clear up between 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. It can occur at any time of the day or night and some women feel nauseated all day long. Although the cause of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is not known, there is strong evidence that estrogens have something to do with it. Many studies have shown that severity of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is linked to the hormonal changes in pregnancy. Lack of vitamin B6 can also cause nausea in pregnant women.

What you can do about it:

Avoid foods and smells that trigger your nausea.Eat small portions frequently throughout the day so that your stomach is never empty.Consume fluids such especially cold beverages in between the meals.

Cause # 7: Medication

Why: Pain medicines, such as opioids like codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, or oxycodone, can cause nausea or vomiting. OTC medicines such as iron or potassium products, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, and even aspirin can cause nausea by irritating your stomach or slowing down intestinal movement and causing bloating.

What you can do about it: Know that nausea caused by medications is not allergic reaction. Normally, nausea goes off within a week or so. But you can prevent nausea by taking your medicine with a meal or small amount of food. You can also take your medicine with 1 to 2 tablespoons of antacid to help coat your stomach.

Cause # 9: Migraine 

Why: Any condition that increases pressure inside the skull thus affecting the cerebro-spinal fluid can result in nausea and vomiting.  Migraine is a painful headache preceded by intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of the head and is commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. A migraine headache causes the artery located at the base of the skull (temporal artery) to enlarge thereby releasing chemicals responsible for inflammation. Again, during the headache the autonomous nervous system too responds with feelings of nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

What you can do about it: Get fresh air by going out or opening the window and take deep breaths. Loosen your clothes. This might help with nausea. Stay hydrated but don't drink too much water at once. Ask your doctor for anti-nausea medicines. (Read: )

Cause # 10: Viral gastroenteritis

Symptoms: Commonly known as stomach flu, viral gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever. Recovery is usually without complications except in cases of infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems where the condition can prove deadly.

What you can do about it: Take care not to get dehydrated. Drink lots of fluids to replace fluids and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhoea.  Avoid eating fatty and sugary foods because they could make your symptoms worse. (Read: )

Cause # 11: Inflammation of gall bladder (gall stones) and pancreas  

Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting can occur as a result of inflammation of these organs. There is also pain in the upper abdomen in case of pancreatitis and pain in the upper right abdomen in case of gall stones that is severe and constant and it may last for days. People with diabetes are at particular risk for serious complications. Incidentally, one of the main symptoms of appendicitis is also nausea and vomiting.

What you can do about it: There is not much you can do about it. Seek medical attention.

Cause # 12: Gastroparesis

Why: This is a condition in which the stomach muscles don't function properly because of the related nerve damage and so it prevents the stomach from emptying properly. Disorders such as dyspepsia, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may also cause nausea and vomiting, but these are rarely the primary symptoms.

What you can do about it: There is no cure for gastroparesis but anti-emetic medications such as prochlorperazine, diphenhydramine and lorazepam may help relieve nausea symptoms.

Cause # 13: Chemotherapy and cancer

Symptoms: Most often used to treat cancer, chemotherapy has the side effect of nausea and in many cases, vomiting. However, it depends on the drugs used and whether radiation is also used for treatment. Risk factors are being of female gender, age (50 years or more), alcoholism, high level of anxiety, and whether one is prone to vomiting when sick.

Certain cancers such as liver cancer and malignant brain tumors in themselves can cause nausea and vomiting although these symptoms are not evident in the early stages of cancer. Losing weight without trying, loss of appetite abdominal swelling are other symptoms that are associated with liver cancer. Nausea or vomiting that is most severe in the morning, gradual loss of movement or sensation in an arm or leg, unsteadiness or imbalance, confusion and disorientation, and memory loss are some of the symptoms of brain tumor. (Read: )

What you can do about it: Nausea and vomiting can be controlled with preventive medication. Your doctor will prescribe medication for nausea and vomiting.

This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are many other causes of nausea and vomiting, for example, vertigo, motion sickness, appendicitis and other conditions. The most sinister of them is when even the physicians cannot determine the cause of your nausea and vomiting. For example, few years ago in USA, a 30-year old woman in the USA had repeated nausea and non-projectile (not forceful, more like a spit) vomiting and a diffuse abdominal pain for 3 weeks. Her physical examination showed bilateral end-gaze nystagmus (fast, uncontrollable movements of the eyes). Other than that, there were no abnormalities. This goes to show that sometimes, even physicians find it hard to determine the cause of nausea and vomiting. It is, therefore, important not to ignore nausea and to consult a physician in case of severe or intermittent nausea and vomiting. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I have irregular periods and unbearable menstrual cramps every time. What should I do?

I have irregular periods and unbearable menstrual cramps every time. What should I do?

I'm a 14-year-old girl and I have had my period for about a year-and-a-half now. It has always been regular — coming every 29 days, very light with no cramps, lasting for only 3 or 4 days. But since the past 5 or 6 months, my period has been extremely irregular. I have no idea when to expect it. Sometimes, it's every 2 weeks. Also, it has been lasting for 6-8 days and the cramps seem unbearable. I'm still new to the whole thing. Should I go see a doctor? I'm really worried.

Answered by Dr Sadhna Singhal

During the first two years of menarche (onset of menstrual cycles), 50% of the menstrual cycles can be anovulatories wherein no ovulation take place. You may now have entered the ovulation phase which is generally accompanied by pain and cramps. So, do not worry about the pain, it's just a normal phenomenon. However, as you are having irregular periods, just to be on the safer side, get an ultrasound of the lower abdomen done to rule out your chances of diseases like PCOD, etc.


In order to relieve menstrual pain, follow these tips.

Include a glass of milk in your breakfast. Calcium is a good cure for cramps. If you are not such a 'milk' person or are lactose intolerant about 600mg (2-4 tablets) of calcium chewables should do the trick.Indulge in generous helpings of papaya during and before your periods. Papaya contains 'papain' an enzyme that helps to regulate and helps to ease the flow during menstruation.Carrots are not only good for your eyes; they also assist in regulating menstruation. A tall glass of carrot juice can go a long way in making you feel much better.Aloe Vera juice with honey is also well known to ease the flow and reducing the pain.Avoid red meat and caffeine. They have properties that exacerbate the pain.

For more tips, .

Dr Sadhna Singhal is a senior consultant of obstetrics and gynaecology at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute. She has special training in endoscopic (laparoscopic) surgeries and has performed various high-risk gynaecological and obstetrical operations. She has also conducted many major laparoscopic, hysteroscopic surgeries including laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomies and total laparoscopic hysterectomies. Dr Sadhna is a member of the Association of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD), Indian Medical Association and Delhi Medical Association and National Association for Reproductive and Child Health of India (NARCHI).


The omega-3 controversy – can it cause cancer?

The omega-3 controversy – can it cause cancer?

Recently, a study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute linking omega-3 fatty acids to a high risk of prostate cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids are usually found in fish, flaxseeds, etc and are considered good for health especially the heart as they lower cholesterol levels. They are generally recommended by doctors and dieticians as part of a healthy and well-balanced meal. But according to the trial conducted by these researchers, those who had higher concentrations of omega-3 in their blood were 46% more likely to get prostate cancer than the others. We asked nutritionist  neha about the possibilities of such a health risk and how much omega-3 do we really need in our diet. 

Do you think omega-3 fatty acids can lead to serious ailments like cancer?

I wouldn't completely agree with the study as it has many shortcomings. It does not consider the source of omega-3 whether it is coming from pills or diet, does not take into account the subject's health status before the study. Cancer is a result of various factors like smoking, nutrition, exercise, environmental toxicity, stress and none of these things were taken into account. So, it is very irrational to conclude that omega-3 increases the risk of prostate cancer. In fact, populations with the largest intake of omega-3 (from fish) such as the Japanese, Eskimo and the Inuit of Greenland have some of the lowest rates of prostate cancer. There are also a couple of studies which have proven that eating fish regularly reduces the risk of prostate cancer. (Read: )

Why do we need omega-3? 

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid which is not manufactured by the body. But it is needed by one and all as it has great health benefits like:

Reducing triglyceride

Decreasing blood pressure

Improving brain communication and memory

Controlling hormone production

Reducing inflammation

Improving skin appearance

Supporting proper vision

Protecting against cancer

What are the best sources of omega-3?

The best source of omega-3 is fish and vegetarian sources are flaxseeds and walnuts.

How much of omega-3 do we really need?

A healthy individual without any heart or health issues can eat fish 2-3 times/week or take 500 mg of EPA + DHA through fish oil supplements/day i.e. 2 capsules of 1000 mg/day. Someone with a heart problem can have 2-4 capsules daily after consulting their doctor. (Read: 

Can too much of omega-3 be harmful?

Avoid taking excessive omega-3 through supplements (more than 4 capsules/day) as it can increase the risk of bleeding, can cause gas, bloating, diarrhoea. Diabetics should take fish oil capsules under a doctor's supervision as they may experience a rise in blood sugar levels after taking them.

Is it best to get one's intake from natural sources instead of capsules?

Natural sources are always the best. Get it from your diet such as eating fish 3 times/week or having 2-4 tablespoons of flaxseeds daily.  But if you cannot then opt for fish oil supplements. There are various genuine brands available these days in the market that sell fish oil capsules. (Read: )

Bio-resorbable Vascular Scaffold – a new technology to dissolve heartache

Bio-resorbable Vascular Scaffold – a new technology to dissolve heartache

Mangalore – a coastal city that was fast establishing itself on the world medical tourism map has blazed yet another trail, when its doctors announced that they are able to implant Bio-resorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS), which is a state-of-the-art procedure to open clogged arteries in the heart.

BVS is a device designed to restore blood flow by opening a clogged vessel and providing support while it heals. Once the vessel can remain open without the extra support, the bio-resorbable scaffold is designed to be slowly metabolised and eventually dissolves into carbon dioxide and water in the body. (Read:)

The first BVS was successfully implanted in Mangalore at the AJ Hospital and Research Centre, Mangalore. 

'Treatments for coronary artery disease have come a long way from the days of balloon angioplasties and metal stents. However, a dissolving stent like BVS leaves no foreign body inside the human body, as the clogged artery can be enlarged and supported effectively, without the stent leaving any fragments behind in the blood stream.' explained Dr BV Manjunath, interventional cardiologist, AJ Hospital and Research Centre.

'The device is made of polylactide, a proven biocompatible material that is commonly used in medical implants, such as dissolving sutures. Since a permanent implant is not left behind, a vessel treated with a BVS ultimately may have the ability to move, flex and pulsate similar to an untreated vessel,' interventional cardiologist, Dr R Purushotham added. (Read: )

What's at stake

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death globally and by 2030, almost 2.36 crore people will die from cardiovascular disease every year. The largest increase in number of deaths will occur in the South-East Asia region.

But what is BVS?

BVS is a first-of-its-kind device for the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). It works by restoring blood flow to the heart similar to a metallic stent, but then dissolves into the body, leaving behind a treated vessel that may resume more natural function and movement, because it is free of a permanent metallic stent. The vessel may expand and contract as needed to increase the flow of blood to the heart in response to normal activities such as exercising. Thus, treatment and diagnostic options are broadened, the need for long-term treatment with anti-clotting medications may be reduced and future interventions would be unobstructed by a permanent implant.

Is body massage really needed?

Is body massage really needed?

Body massages are meant to relax one's body, relieve stress and rejuvenate their system both mentally and physically. A lot has been said about body massages – while its loyalists will swear by its numerous benefits, there are a huge number of people who believe it does no good and is simply a waste of money and time. We speak to celebrity fitness trainer  who has trained clients like Jessica Alba and Halle Berry, and to Karl Irani, owner of Palms Spa in Mumbai on the importance and benefits of a body massage and if it is really required.

According to Ramona, body massages are an important part of a fitness programme especially when training with resistance. They have physiological benefits and are a great way to treat yourself after hard workouts. According to a recent study by researchers at McMaster University, deep massage after an intense workout caused muscles to enlarge and grow new mitochondria – the powerhouse of our cells, responsible for converting nutrients into useful energy.

She recommends scheduling your massage according to your workout plan. 'Ideally, if you train for 5 days a week, a massage a week would be best, if you train 4 days a week, I would say get a massage every 2 weeks and if you train 3 days a week, a monthly session will suffice, ' says Ramona.

In between professional massages with a therapist, you can also give yourself a self massage with some oil or using tools such as foam rollers or acupressure balls.

Health benefits of a massage:

Increases blood flow to muscle and tissue

Promotes warmth in the tissue

Decreases stiffness and soreness


Stimulates the body's lymphatic system

Improves blood circulation

Reduces minor pain and fatigue

Types of massages:

Karl who owns a spa, lists out the various kinds of body massages.

Ayurvedic massage: This is an ancient Indian massage which uses herbal oils and products for the massage and is performed by either one or two masseuses. It can further be classified into various types like Shirodhara,Udwarthanam, etc which target specific body parts. It is believed that an Ayurvedic massage can go a long way in treating chronic ailments like frozen shoulder, arthritis, slipped disc, etc. It uses traditional massage strokes to detoxify and strengthen the body focussing on the pressure points.

Thai massage: This type involves a series of yoga-inspired stretches to relieve muscle and joint tension and stimulate circulation. It increases flexibility and improves overall energy levels as well.

Balinese massage: This is a blend of acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy, stretching and deep tissue massage. It provides deep relaxation, relieves joint pain and also improves blood circulation.

Herbal detox massage: It incorporates ancient Indian and Thai healing remedies to treat spasms and deep muscle aches. It uses steamed herbal compress which relieves the body of its toxins, stimulates circulation and increases flow of energy.

Sports massage: This is a deep tissue massage especially to relax tense body parts like a stiff neck, lower back tightness, sore shoulders, etc. the pressure is deeper than other massages and the movements are also slower. It focuses on relieving stiffness and treating deep knots.

Reflexology foot massage: This is based on the principle that every area of the body is linked to a corresponding zone in the feet. It is a combination of pressure on specific points and gentle massage to enhance circulation and detoxify and de-stress the complete body. (Read: )

Says Karl, 'Though there are no hard and fast rules to choose a specific massage, it is best to consult a therapist who can guide you which one will be the best one for you according to your body and the areas which need for relaxation. You can obviously experiment to see what suits you but know the kind of massage you are going for beforehand. For example, a person who doesn't like too much pressure shouldn't opt for a deep tissue massage or a person who doesn't like stretching should not go for a Thai one.'

A word of caution:

Even though massages are good for the body, there are certain situations when they should be avoided unless prescribed by your doctor. These include:




High BP



Though a very gentle massage surrounding the area may be fine, it is best to consult your doctor and massage therapist before you opt for one. (Read: )

Cricketer's WAG Caught Simulating Sex When Cameras Pick Her Out During A Match

Cricketer's WAG Caught Simulating Sex When Cameras Pick Her Out During A Match

A one-day game between Queensland and Victoria in Australia was punctuated by an unfortunate clip of a player's girlfriend simulating sex.

Boyfriend Chris Lynn was fielding and on a microphone link to the commentary box. Pointing out other half Yvonne Sampson in the crowd, the cameras pan her way, and catch her making some...unusual gestures.

It's explained away as Sampson talking about football—until it becomes apparent that it's definitely not what she's talking about.

Sure  I'd like the whole thing to disappear but be warned, the story is not as titillating as it looks!

— Yvonne Sampson (@yvonnesampson) 

It might have been understandable if Yvonne was not schooled to the ways of the television cameras, but she is in fact a presenter for Channel Nine in Australia.

Sampson—now on holiday in Italy, according to australian —has subsequently spoken of her embarrassment and offered up an explanation for what the cameras saw:

I was telling the story of how we were throwing mini Christmas trees in the studio one time when a cameraman was caught thrusting away on one.

This is embarrassing.

There's certainly no arguing with the latter part of that statement, but she did her best to make light of it, tweeting Lynn to pretend they weren't in fact dating to seemingly spare him a little embarrassment:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I had sex with my girlfriend and gave her an emergency contraceptive pill. Will she get pregnant?

I had sex with my girlfriend and gave her an emergency contraceptive pill. Will she get pregnant?

I had sex with my girlfriend with half of my penis penetrated in her vagina in doggy style. I am not sure whether my penis went inside the vagina. My girlfriend is saying it went inside. Is there any chance of pregnancy by pre-cum? Although I ejaculated outside.

The second incident happened around an hour later, and in the heat of the moment I had sex with her again without a condom. This time I am sure about the penetration, my penis went half inside. But I did not wash the penis before penetration and I had previously ejaculated. She had her periods 8 to 10 days before. An hour later, on the same day I gave her UNWANTED – 72 manufactured by MANKIND pharmaceuticals. So we took the pill about two hours from the first time we had sex. Is there any chance of pregnancy ? 

Unwanted 72 is an emergency contraceptive pill and the chances of pregnancy are very low. That being said you're living an extremely risky lifestyle, why can't you just keep some condoms. Ejaculating outside is not a safe method to prevent pregnancies.  Even a tiny bit of semen can cause unwanted pregnancies. Just use a condom when you have sex. And please just wash after ejaculating.(Read:)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Lateral coital position: Add a twist to the woman-on-top sex position!

Lateral coital position: Add a twist to the woman-on-top sex position!

The research team of Masters and Johnson revolutionised sexuality in the West and one of their more famous contributions was a variation of the woman-on-top sex position called the lateral coital sex position.

How to do it

This is more complicated than your common, garden or average sex position. It starts with the woman on the top and the man penetrating her. Then:

Step 1: The man lifts the woman's right leg, bends his left knee and slides his left knee outwards while opening his inner thigh to the ceiling. He then slides his left leg until it has passed underneath her right knee. Meanwhile, the woman places her weight on the left knee while leaning to the left while placing her lifted right leg behind her, placing it inside her partner's bent left leg. If they've managed to do this without the penis slipping out, the woman leans forward to the man's chest.

Step 2: After this, while her upper body remains straight, she rolls to her right propping herself up with her right elbow. If all goes to plan, the woman should have her torso perpendicular to the man's while her weight lies entirely on her body and right elbow.

Step 3: If the couple have done it right, the final position should have both partners fully supported by the bed except for the woman's left leg which will lie on the man's right hip. Their bodies roughly form an angle of 30 degree, with the majority of the woman's weight on her right shoulder.

Pros: There's freedom of pelvic movement and weight support for both partners. According to Masters and Johnson: 'This position is particularly effective for the woman, as she can move with full freedom to enjoy either slow or rapid pelvic thrusting, depending upon current levels of sexual tensions.' It's good for couples of all shapes and sizes. They also claimed the particular position reduces chances of premature ejaculation by reducing pressure on the man.

Cons: It's damned complicated and needs some practice. Masters and Johnson actually suggested couples rehearse it while fully clothed. Also is also no scope of clitoral stimulation.

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