Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Want glowing skin? Forget expensive creams and try yoga

Want glowing skin? Forget expensive creams and try yoga

by Pavitra Sampath

Want naturally glowing skin? Well, we have the answer for you – yoga. Yoga gives you a healthy mind and body and in turn makes your skin glow. Here are the top 5 yoga poses you could try to get the flawless glowing skin you always wanted. 

In Ayurveda, doctors believe that one's skin is the most important marker of one's health, and says that for one's skin to look healthy it is imperative that it gets a good supply of blood, the body is well oxygenated and all the internal organs function optimally.  In this post we will tell you about postures that increase the blood flow to the face, improves one's digestive system and helps in oxygenating the blood – making one look younger, healthier and more beautiful.

Pachimotasana: This is a forward bending pose that helps the blood to flow to the face. Apart from that, it helps the stomach function better, strengthens the thigh muscles and relaxes the back and arms.

Steps to do this asana:

Sit with your legs stretched out on the floor. Next hold the big toe of your feet with your index finger and thumb. Now, exhale and slowly bend forward and try to touch your forehead to your knees. The key is that your elbows should touch the floor. Do not breath in. Stay in this position for five counts and inhale as you rise back to the sitting position.

Tips to keep in mind: If you have any type of back pain or complaints with your spine, do not do this pose. Moreover, be easy on yourself, you might not be able to touch your knees with your forehead. Know that if you keep at it you will regain your flexibility and be able to do the pose properly. (Read: Beat insomnia with yoga)

Matsyasana: This pose helps relax the facial muscles and strengthens the muscles of the neck and back. It allows controlled flow of blood to the face and increases the amount of oxygen of the blood.

To do this asana, here are the steps:

Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Now straighten your legs, place your arms on either side. Now raise your hips, one side at a time and place your hands under each hip. Bend your elbows and push your upper body off the floor, remember to exhale as you do this. Only raise your chest, and tilt your head backwards. Hold this pose for five counts and inhale as you rest your back back on the floor.

Tips to keep in mind: If you suffer from high blood pressure or have neck/back pain, avoid doing this pose.

Halasana: This pose is great for those who sit for long hours and tend to have bad posture. It stimulates the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, lungs and abdominal organs, therefore helping the blood rush to your head and face, improves digestion and keeps the hormonal levels in check.

Step to do this pose:

Lie flat on the floor with your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms by your side and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Now, slowly raise your legs from the hips. Place your hands on your hips as you raise it and use them as support. Now slowly bend your legs at the hips and try to touch the floor behind your head with your toes and straighten your hands so they are flat on the floor. Breath out while going up. To return to the lying position gently roll your back  onto the floor, breath in while you come down. Do not drop down suddenly. 

Tip to keep in mind: If you suffer from liver or spleen disorders, hypertension, have diarrhoea, are menstruating or have suffered a neck injury, avoid doing this pose.

Pranayam: This is probably the most easy asana out there.  Despite it being so easy, it is the most beneficial when it comes to glowing skin. Breathing in deeply and breathing out helps oxygenate your blood, and improves circulation. It also calms the mind and gives your rattled nerves some much needed rest. This is your one stop shop to de-stress and look beautiful.

Steps to do this pose: Sit on a mat on the floor. Fold your legs in either padmasana or sit cross legged. Now straighten your back, keep your chin parallel to the floor, place your hands on your knees with your palms facing upwards and close your eyes. Breath in deep and hold your breath for five counts. Exhale slowly. Repeat this process at least ten time. Once you are done, rub your palms together till they are warm, and place them on your eyes. Now slowly open them and smile. (Read: How to choose your yoga class)

Savasana: Yoga Nidra or Shavasan is a way of experiencing total relaxation. Although it is called an asana or a posture – the body does nothing during shavasan – no stretching, no bending. You just lie down and leave all limbs and joints loose. Eyes are closed. You lie down like a corpse.

Steps to do this pose: Lie down with your eyes closed, leave your limbs loose, try and bring your attention to the tip of your nose and just observe the breathing process. Body should be absolutely still. Observing and being aware of the breathing process is the core of Shavasan. Whenever you inhale, you feel coolness in your nostrils and when you exhale you feel hot in your nostrils. (Read: Tips to do Shavasan or Yoga Nidra the right way)

Picture sources: mylifemystuff, itsyouryoga.comyoga-for-beginners-a-practical-guide.comshelbournephysio.ca, onetimes100.com

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